Missing image for controller?

An issue was opened on conjure-up which appears to be an issue with Juju (2.5) finding an instance image to use for the controller on AWS us-east-1. I’m unable to replicate the issue and am at a loss as to how to help the user get it resolved. Can someone chime in (either here, or on the issue) on what to try?


For easier reference, the error received is:

Bootstrap command:

juju bootstrap aws/us-east-1 conjure-up-aws-dbc --default-model conjure-canonical-kubern-d35 --config image-stream=daily --bootstrap-series xenial --credential datadev

Juju response:

Creating Juju controller "conjure-up-aws-dbc" on aws/us-east-1
Looking for packaged Juju agent version 2.5.0 for amd64
Launching controller instance(s) on aws/us-east-1...
 - Verifying availability zone
ERROR failed to bootstrap model: cannot start bootstrap instance: no "xenial" images in us-east-1 with arches [amd64]