Install Openstack Client tools via snap

As suggested on juju charm guide, now for installing the Openstack Client Tools we can use snap with this command:

$:sudo snap install openstackclients

but I’ve received this error:

error: This revision of snap "openstackclients" was published using classic confinement and thus
       may perform arbitrary system changes outside of the security sandbox that snaps are usually
       confined to, which may put your system at risk.
   If you understand and want to proceed repeat the command including --classic.

Including --classic the installation goes head without issue. Please note that in the official guide.

$:sudo snap install openstackclients --classic
[sudo] password for richardsith: 
openstackclients rocky from James Page installed

@riccardo-magrini, at the very bottom of the quoted guide, there is a link Report a bug on this site. Use it and help Juju to be better. :smile:

A snap’s confinement level is the degree of isolation it has from your system. See Snap confinement. There is a strict process for reviewing classic confinement snaps.

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