Charm proof : E: missing series: must be a list of series names

Hello ,

I’m trying to deploy my charm and i’m getting this error below when I run Charm proof :

E: missing series: must be a list of series names

please advice on how to solve it , I have edit only one file which is metadate.yaml file

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Howdy, do you mean metadata.yaml file? Double check the filename, but I assume you’ve edited the default one provided by a template or something.

The series is a list, and so it needs to be created as a YAML list vs a string. So you can create a list of one item (the one series) like so

  - bionic

Give that a shot and let me know if that works for you. Thanks!

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should I add this to metadata.yaml file ?

Yep, you can see an example here:

It uses a different format for making a list in YAML.


it worked ! thank you