WIP - Juju 2.6.1 Release Notes

The Juju team is proud to release Juju 2.6.1!

This release brings together several features and major stability improvements for large deployments.

Kubernetes Support

Microk8s built-in

Just as for LXD, microk8s is now a built-in cloud for Juju. So long as you have installed the microk8s snap, there’s now a “microk8s” cloud available to use out of the box with no additional configuration or set up needed. Previously you would have needed to run microk8s.config | add-k8s.

By default, microk8s does not enable storage or DNS, so you’ll need to do this yourself:

microk8s.enable storage dns

Juju will warn you if you bootstrap and these features are not enabled.

$ juju clouds --local
Cloud           Regions  Default            Type        Description
aws                  15  us-east-1          ec2         Amazon Web Services
azure                27  centralus          azure       Microsoft Azure
google               18  us-east1           gce         Google Cloud Platform
oracle                4  us-phoenix-1       oci         Oracle Cloud Infrastructure
localhost             1  localhost          lxd         LXD Container Hypervisor
microk8s              1  localhost          k8s         A Kubernetes Cluster

Support for GKE and AKS

If you want to bootstrap or deploy workloads to GKE or AKS clusters, those are now fully supported by the juju add-k8s command. You need to have installed the respective CLI tools for the cluster you want to use as Juju needs those to extract the config and credential information.

For GKE, you’ll need to install gcloud .

sudo snap install google-cloud-sdk --classic

For AKS, you’ll need to install az.

sudo apt install az

After using relevant CLI tool to login to your account, and creating a cluster using either the CLI or web interface, you can then run:

juju add-k8s --gke mygke


juju add-k8s --aks myaks

You will be prompted for the necessary information such as project, region, account etc. Or you can specify any required details to avoid some of the interactive prompts, eg

juju add-k8s --gke --credential=myaccount --project=myproject mygke

See juju help add-k8s for more examples.


You can now bootstrap directly to a k8s cluster. The cluster needs to be registered as a named cloud in Juju by first running the add-k8s command (more on this below). You can then bootstrap as you normally would on any other cloud. The one major difference is that there’s no “default” model created; you need to run add-model yourself to create a model to host your workloads.

Bootstrap is supported on:

  • microk8s
  • Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS)
  • Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE)
  • CDK (with the integrator charm) deployed to Amazon AWS, Microsoft Azure, Google GCE
  • CDK or kubernetes-core deployed to LXD

The controller pods are deployed to a k8s namespace called controller-<ctrlname>.
Each model is deployed to its own namespace named after the model.

The OCI image for the controller operator, and any workload operators, is fetched from dockerhub under the jujusolutions namespace. For testing purposes, or if you’re behind a firewall, it’s possible to configure bootstrap to pull the image from elsewhere, eg

juju bootstrap microk8s mycontroller --config caas-image-repo=myrepopath

where “myrepopath” is either a namespace on docker hub or a docker registry path to an image. If a namespace is specified, Juju will look for an operator image at mynamespace/jujud-operator.


Upgrades are supported for both the controller itself and any hosted models. The standard Juju upgrade command has been tweaked to make the process more obvious.

To upgrade the controller, run:

juju upgrade-controller

To upgrade a model, run:

juju upgrade-model -m <model>

The usual arguments such as --dry-run and --agent-version etc work as before.

Using add-k8s

The add-k8s command is used to register a cluster to make it available to Juju. This can either be done using --local to add to the local cache and allowing bootstrap, or a k8s cluster can be added to a running controller.

When adding a cluster, Juju needs to know the cloud type and region of the underlying cloud hosting the cluster. This is so that suitable storage can be set up. Juju will attempt to sniff the cloud details by querying the cluster, but this is not always possible. For clusters deployed using CDK, you may be asked to supply this information using the --region argument to add-k8s, eg

juju add-k8s --region ec2/us-east-1 mycluster

You need to specify the cloud type (ec2, gce, azure) not the name you may have given to the cloud.

Once Juju knows the type of cloud the cluster is running on, it will then look for a storage class to ensure suitable, opinionated storage is available for the application operators and workloads. There’s 3 scenarios:

  • a cluster default storage class exists and uses the opinionated storage type (eg ebs on ec2)
  • a cluster default storage class exists and uses a different, non-recommended storage type
  • no cluster default storage class exists

In the latter two cases, you’ll need to use the --storage argument to add-k8s to configure the cluster being added to Juju to use the specified storage; and in the latter case, Juju will create a storage class with the specified name and configured to use the opinionated storage for that cluster.


Storage support has been much improved in Juju 2.6. As noted above, Juju will detect (or require user input to specify) a suitable storage class at the time a cluster is added to Juju. This information is stored with the cluster definition in Juju and set as model default config options for operator-storage and workload-storage. Being model config options, these can be set to something different for any given model, and you can also set up Juju storage pools for more control over how storage is provisioned for any given application.

Given that opinionated storage is configured out of the box, you can now simply deploy a workload which requires storage with no additional storage directives if you just want the defaults to be used:

juju deploy cs:~juju/mariadb-k8s

If you add a model and want all workloads in that model to use a different storage class, you can override the workload-storage config for the entire model:

juju config workload-storage=mystorageclass

Storage pools

If you want more control over how storage is provisioned, you can make use of Juju storage pools. A storage pool can be set up to:

  • define an existing, cluster wide k8s storage class
  • create a new model-scoped storage class using a given provisioner and config attributes

Storage pools have a provider type which could be specified but which defaults to “kubernetes”. Other provider types are “rootfs” and “tmpfs” (see below). The examples below use the “kubernetes” provider type.

For example, we can make a storage pool to provision volumes from a specific, pre-existing storage class:

juju create-storage-pool mypool storage-class=anothersc

Then you can deploy an application using that pool:

juju deploy cs:~juju/mariadb-k8s --storage database=mypool

We can also ask Juju to create a model-scoped storage class which does not exist ahead of time but which will be configured to use the specified provisioner:

juju create-storage-pool mypool storage-class=bespoke storage-provisioner=microk8s.io/hostpath foo=bar
juju deploy cs:~juju/mariadb-k8s --storage database=mypool

In the above scenario, Juju will create a k8s storage class called <modelname>-bespoke configured like so:

apiVersion: storage.k8s.io/v1
kind: StorageClass
  name: <modelname>-bespoke
provisioner: microk8s.io/hostpath
reclaimPolicy: Retain
volumeBindingMode: Immediate

rootfs and tmpfs storage

rootfs and tmpsfs storage types are used in vm models to map storage to the root disk of the workload machine, or to an in-memory filesystem. The semantics are similar in k8s models, and both of the above map to emptyDir storage.

When tmpfs is used, the emptyDir medium is set to “Memory”.

For example, to use a 2GB in-memory storage allocation:

`juju deploy cs:~juju/mariadb-k8s --storage database=tmpfs,2G

Additional charm pod configuration capabilities

Charms can now specify many additional k8s pod attributes, including:

  • init containers
  • security context
  • service annotations
  • custom resource definitions

The easiest way to describe what’s supported is by looking at an example of a charm pod spec. The example is representative but not complete (eg not all possible security context attributes are shown).

activeDeadlineSeconds: 10
serviceAccountName: serviceAccount
restartPolicy: OnFailure
terminationGracePeriodSeconds: 20
automountServiceAccountToken: true
  runAsNonRoot: true
  supplementalGroups: [1,2]
hostname: host
subdomain: sub
priorityClassName: top
priority: 30
dnsPolicy: ClusterFirstWithHostNet
  nameservers: [ns1, ns2]
  - conditionType: PodScheduled
  - name: gitlab
    image: gitlab/latest
    imagePullPolicy: Always
    command: ["sh", "-c"]
    args: ["doIt", "--debug"]
    workingDir: "/path/to/here"
    - containerPort: 80
      name: fred
      protocol: TCP
    - containerPort: 443
      name: mary
      runAsNonRoot: true
      privileged: true
      initialDelaySeconds: 10
        path: /ping
        port: 8080
      initialDelaySeconds: 10
        path: /pingReady
        port: www
      attr: foo=bar; name['fred']='blogs';
      foo: bar
      restricted: 'yes'
      switch: on
      - name: configuration
        mountPath: /var/lib/foo
          file1: |
            foo: bar
  - name: gitlab-helper
    image: gitlab-helper/latest
    - containerPort: 8080
      protocol: TCP
  - name: secret-image-user
        imagePath: staging.registry.org/testing/testing-image@sha256:deed-beef
        username: docker-registry
        password: hunter2
  - name: just-image-details
        imagePath: testing/no-secrets-needed@sha256:deed-beef
  - name: gitlab-init
    image: gitlab-init/latest
    imagePullPolicy: Always
    command: ["sh", "-c"]
    args: ["doIt", "--debug"]
    workingDir: "/path/to/here"
    - containerPort: 80
      name: fred
      protocol: TCP
    - containerPort: 443
      name: mary
      foo: bar
      restricted: 'yes'
      switch: on
    foo: bar
    group: kubeflow.org
    version: v1alpha2
    scope: Namespaced
      plural: "tfjobs"
      singular: "tfjob"
      kind: TFJob
                    type: integer
                    minimum: 1
                    type: integer
                    minimum: 1
                    type: integer
                    minimum: 1
                    maximum: 1

Charms can specify deployment type

k8s charms now have the ability to specify the type of deployment: stateful or stateless:

Setting Description
stateful use a k8s StatefulSet to manage the pods
stateless use a k8s DeploymentController to manage the pods

Previously, charms with storage used a StatefulSet because they needed a stable network identity, whereas other charms were always deployed using a DeploymentController. However, this can prove problematic in circumstances where the charm (or the reactive layers it imports) does not rely on application data via leader settings to store state, since pod restarts result in a new Juju unit and the removal of the old one.

As well as deployment type, charms can also specify service type (this can be overridden at deploy time using the kubernetes-service-type config option). The default service type is cluster if not otherwise specified.

There new charm metadata that can be used within k8s charms:

  type: stateless | stateful
  service: cluster | loadbalancer | external

The default deployment type is stateless. Charms which declare storage would need to also say they want a stateful deployment or else we’ll error early. A charm is free to say it wants a stateful deployment even without storage being required.

Charm OCI images

Charms declare what OCI images they need using resource metadata, and there’s a base reactive layer which handles the work of pulling the iamges as needed.

Charm store charms store their OCI images in a docker repo hosted by the charm store itself. If you want to deploy a local charm, you need to specify a path for each image like so:

juju deploy /path/to/mariadb --resource mysql_image=mariadb:latest

The image resource value is any supported docker repo path URL.

The above works great for public images. For private images requiring a username and password, the resource value is a path to a file similar to:

registrypath: image-path
username: me
password: secret

juju deploy /path/to/mariadb --resource mysql_image=/path/to/imagedef.yaml

To upgrade an existing deployed charm, use the upgrade-charm as normal. The charm will need to have been written to react properly to the upgrade hook and generate a new pod spec yaml to send. Juju does filter out any yaml which is the same as already deployed so it’s safe for the charm to speculatively send in a regenerated pod spec.

juju upgrade-charm /path/to/mariadb --resource mysql_image=mariadb:test

Miscellaneous Improvements

Integration with microk8s snap

If the Juju snap is installed and microk8s is already present, the jujud-operator and juju-db images will be cached in the microk8s repository so that subsequent bootstrap is much faster.

Better error surfacing

If there’s a syntax error in the pod spec YAML generated by the charm, or a semantic error due to an unsupported config value in the pod spec itself, Juju will reflect this in status as an error on the application.

Charms without pods

Some charms may require just the operator to be deployed and no workload pods. That use case is now catered for in that juju status and status history now better reflect the state of the charm, and don’t incorrectly report “waiting for container”.

Scale to 0

We now allow the application to be set to 0 on the Juju side. Previously this was disallowed for reasons no longer relevant.

Mongo 4 from snap

Using the mongodb-snap feature flag, you can bootstrap a Juju controller and mongo will be installed as a snap, currently version 4.0.9. See snap info juju-db for details on the snap. This won’t work yet behind a firewall.

Deletion of stuck applications and units

This is a long requested feature which has finally landed.

If a unit ever got wedged, due to a hook error, or an issue with storage, or the agent being killed, or the machine being stopped, it was impossible to remove from the Juju model. And then in turn, the application could not be removed, and the model could not be destroyed.

There is now a --force option for the various remove commands, eg remove-application, remove-unit etc, as well as destroy-model. There’s also a --no-wait option. The way it works is that Juju will try to remove/destroy entities and allow for proper cleanup, but after a set time, will resort to forceful removal. If you don’t want Juju to wait because you know things are totally broken, you can use the --no-wait option.

Minor changes

vSphere Improvements

Improvements have been made to the vSphere provider.

  1. Constraints to specify root disk parameters - datastore and size, eg
    juju deploy myapp --constraints="root-disk-size=20G root-disk-source=mydatastore"

  2. Resource groups within a host or cluster can now be specified as an availability zone constraint, eg
    juju deploy myapp --constraints="zones=mycluster/mygroup"
    juju deploy myapp --constraints="zones=mycluster/myparent/mygroup"

  3. Better checks at deploy time that specified datastores exist and are valid.

Known Issues

If a model contains any manual machines, destroy-model will fail to complete. Any manual machines must first be removed using the remove-machine command. This issue will be fixed in the next point release.

This release includes more important fixes

  • LP #1807960 - Juju vSphere cloud provider needs a constraint for datastore
  • LP #1807961 - Juju vSphere cloud provider does not support resource pools or folders with vsphere 6.5/6.7
  • LP #1817242 - juju bootstrap - openstack provider: failed to get list of flavour details
  • LP #1827371 - Upgrade from 2.4.7 to 2.5.4 blocked on raft lease migration

Additional bugs fixed can be found in the milestone page.

Other news

Updated Website

The new user-facing home for Juju is jaas.ai. We hope that this shorter URL will make your day slightly easier.

New tutorials

The community has been busy adding new content for new users:

How do I get it?

The best way to get your hands on this release of Juju is to install it as a
snap package

sudo snap install juju --classic

Other packages are available for a variety of platforms. Please see the online documentation at https://docs.jujucharms.com/reference-install. Those subscribed to a snap channel should be automatically upgraded. If you’re using the ppa or homebrew, you should see an upgrade available.

Feedback Appreciated!

We encourage everyone to let us know how you’re using Juju. Join us on Discourse at https://discourse.jujucharms.com/, send us a message on Twitter using the hashtag #jujucharms, and join us at #juju on freenode.