Juju Progress Report - 2020-W11

Juju continues to develop strongly. The features described here are not fully documented, but indicate where the team has been focusing its efforts.

Special thanks to @zicklag who reported a curiously long duration for juju-log messages. That message has led to investigations by @jameinel that reduce the speed to <10ms.

:package: New Releases

  • Juju 2.7.4 is an important bugfix release. All users on 2.7.3 are strongly advised to upgrade their controllers and models to this new version.

:woman_scientist: Feature Development

Backup and restore

Work continues to streamline the process of backing up and restoring a Juju controller and its models.

  • enhanced backup file metadata
  • changed backup file to be versioned
  • added verification steps to prior to performing restore (eg. mongo health check, intra-controller connectivity check, backup file compatibility check)

k8s features

Kubernetes support strengthens.

  • Work is continuing on a Juju admission controller endpoint. This will enable label resources created outside Juju
  • Service accounts now support both global and namespace scoped roles
  • Introduce a global resources lifecycle (CustomResourceDefinitions and others). Although they break the namespacing introduced by a Juju model, global resources are available for teams using Kubernetes.
  • Tidy up of DaemonSet support. This is a new feature that will enable charms to create DaemonSet applications. The scale-application command doesn’t make sense in this context. They’re automatically provisioned to every node in the cluster.

:construction: Internal/Behind-the-scenes Refactoring

k8s controller upgrades

There’s no metadata for the docker images used for the Juju agents, which meant that agent-stream could not be used to control the desired risk when upgrading. Work was done to use the published simple streams metadata for non-k8s agents to also guide the selection of which Juju operator image tag to select.

Uniter refactoring work

  • After a hook exits with a 0 status code, the uniter will now push all required state mutations to the controller using a single API call and apply them in a single transaction.
  • The uniter now detects machine reboots and triggers an implicit start hook to notify charms. The start hook will only be triggered after a reboot (simply restarting unit agents has no effect) and only if the uniter’s state reports the charm as already started.

New build process

The build process is being enhanced to use the new snapcraft remote-build feature. This will unlock the ability to:

  • migrate to go mod
  • use recent versions of Go
  • simplify Juju snap build process, eg single source all snap artefacts in core Juju repo
  • work in progress, will be used to build the 2.8 beta

:bug: Bugfixes


Pull requests merged:

:link: Links

New Website: juju.is

Guide: How to run any hook with a remote context

Previous report


@martin-hilton will this make it possible to join a AWS controller to jimm?

We’re looking forward to try out the improved backup (and restore) parts.

Thanks to everyone for all the goodies. Keep em coming!

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