[Tutorial] How-to "move" a unit from one machine to another

Occasionally we need to update our infrastructure. Perhaps we want to deploy a unit to a new host that has more RAM. In this tutorial, we will move an etcd unit that was deployed directly onto a machine into a KVM container.

Juju does not provide a move-unit command. So how do we achieve this? We simply add the new unit, then remove the old one.

General pattern

The general pattern makes use of 3 commands:

  • (optional) add-machine to register the new host
  • add-unit to deploy a new unit
  • remove-unit to remove the original one

The add-machine command can be useful if we wish to specify constraints. It also allows us to directly create OS containers.

The three commands produce the desired effect of moving the unit. As Juju retains the knowledge of the application throughout. Applications deployed alongside the application that’s moving have their configuration updated. It’s possible for the unit count to shrink to 0 without affecting the ability for new units to reuse pre-existing relations.

Setting Up

To replicate this tutorial, add a model to your controller, then deploy the etcd charm.

  • juju add-model move-unit-tutorial
  • juju deploy etcd

“Moving” a unit into a container

The output from juju status shows that we hae a single unit of etc deployd to machine 0.

juju status

App                   Version  Status  Scale  Charm                 Store       Rev  OS      Notes
etcd                  3.2.10   active      1  etcd                  jujucharms  460  ubuntu    

Unit                     Workload  Agent  Machine  Public address  Ports           Message
etcd/0*                  active    idle   0   2379/tcp        Healthy with 1 known peer

Machine  State    DNS            Inst id                               Series  AZ    Message
0        started  c3f265de-d65e-42e4-b5e3-d653dca8b4d4  bionic  nova  ACTIVE

We now execute the following 3 commands:

juju add-machine kvm:0
juju add-unit etcd --to 0/kvm/0
juju remove-unit etcd/0

After a few minutes, juju status reports that our new configuration is complete:

juju status
App                   Version  Status  Scale  Charm                 Store       Rev  OS      Notes
etcd                  3.2.10   active      1  etcd                  jujucharms  460  ubuntu

Unit                     Workload  Agent  Machine  Public address  Ports           Message
etcd/1*                  active    idle   0/kvm/0  2379/tcp        Healthy with 1 known peer

Machine  State    DNS             Inst id                               Series  AZ    Message
0        started   c3f265de-d65e-42e4-b5e3-d653dca8b4d4  bionic  nova  ACTIVE
0/kvm/0  started  juju-5ef651-0-kvm-0                   bionic        Container started

“Moving” a unit into a more powerful instance

We can apply the same strategy to migrate etcd unit onto an instance type with more RAM by applying a constraint when executing add-machine:

Adding a machine with a mem constraint

juju add-machine --constraints mem=8G   # Output: "created machine 3"
juju add-unit etcd --to 3       
juju remove-unit etcd/1

Appendix: change etcd units underneath a running Kubernetes instance

To illustrate the power of Juju, try experimenting with this strategy for unit migration underneath a Kubernetes cluster. Perhaps experiment by removing all units of etcd and seeing how the system responds.

To do so, deploy kubernetes-core and then the relevant integrator charm for your cloud. Under an OpenStack cloud, here are the steps

  • juju deploy kubernetes-core
  • juju deploy openstack-integrator
  • juju trust openstack-integrator

Several integrator charms are available for other providers:

What is an integrator charm?: Integrator charm provides charms with delegated access to cloud APIs. Normally, only the Juju controller has delegated authorisation.

Figure 1: Model diagram produced by the Juju GUI showing the kubernetes-core bundle and openstack-integrator charms deployed

Warning: not supported by every charm

Handling changes like this correctly is the responsibility of the charm author. Some charms may not function correctly.


Under what circumstances to you deploy an integrator charm? Could you give an example?

That’s a very fair question. They are designed to work with the charmed-kubernetes and kubernetes-core bundles. They enable storage to be provisioned dynamically to support the needs of Kubernetes clusters :k8s:

Integrator charms make use of the juju trust functionality that these charms make use of is quite new. (Juju v2.5?)

From the “Deploying Advanced Applications” page of our documentation:

Trusting an application with a credential

Some applications may require access to the backing cloud in order to fulfill their purpose (e.g. storage-related tasks). In such cases, the remote credential associated with the current model would need to be shared with the application. When the operator allows this to occur the application is said to be trusted. An application can be trusted during deployment or after deployment.

To trust the AWS integrator application during deployment:

juju deploy --trust cs:~containers/aws-integrator

To trust the application after deployment:

juju deploy cs:~containers/aws-integrator
juju trust aws-integrator


Some more material with another worked example:

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While not directly pertaining to Kubernetes/etcd unit migrations, I wanted to highlight a caveat to this process for those who may be looking to this tutorial with HA openstack services clustered with the hacluster subordinate in mind.

There is currently a bug related to cluster-membership and quorum that should be taken into consideration while migrating clustered services here: Bug #1400481 “Removing unit from hacluster doesn't properly remo...” : Bugs : hacluster package : Juju Charms Collection

As you remove the old units that were utilizing hacluster charm for clustering, you will need to perform some manual corosync/pacemaker node deletions to maintain cluster quorum and resolve nagios alerts for down hosts listed ‘crm status’.

That’s an important caveat. Thanks for highlighting it. I’ll edit the original post.

Wouldn’t it be better to implement a live-migration to another kvm host? Valid for openstack with multiple LXD containers